Wednesday, April 14, 2010

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My opinion

I want to be completely transparent. I am a yes and no. Yea I know that's contradictory. I am yes but oppose to sharing the space with academic units. Nothing against them I just think students need a space separate from their academics. Students gain a lot of experience from outside classroom experience, plus we don't always want to think about classes. Also truth of the matter is that academics will grow faster rate then the cultural centers once again they will find themselves in a limited space.

Share your thoughts

Hey All,

It is important that as students we make sure our voice is heard. This space is to insure that we have a say and then to provide us a free/safe space. The university is a business and if all the students decided to drop out they will lose money, so we truly do have the power. So lets not sit idly, this is our time, our moment! Lets do something about it.